Herbs have agents that can treat the physical substance of our emotions. They may dissolve adrenaline or support our dopamine to improve mental stability.
All that we experience as humans, has been experienced before.
You’re not doing anything ‘wrong’. You are experiencing it correctly. We believe it’s primarily the unacknowledged and unsupported emotional experiences that cause the greatest injury to our health. And we have a plan to help you. We ask you not to suffer unnecessarily. You do not have to be alone with it anymore.
It doesn’t matter how long ago the event or trauma, unless it is treated or resolved, the health effect will continue. Most of us understand that to truly resolve a problem – rather than just treat the symptoms – we need to look at the root cause.
We invite you to look at what is happening to you. When did everything start to go wrong in your health? What were you experiencing at the time? Were you stressed? Did you experience difficulty? Did something happen?
We can show you that with a deeper understanding and acknowledgment of the true underlying cause, how much better you and your health can be.